Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12:12 12/12/12

Facebook is full of these today! "OMG! 12/12/12!! Last repetitive date!!" "The world is ending!" We'll as I've mentioned in my previous posts Facebook is good for telling you what's going on...and after a sea of finals I'm glad I saw it was 12/12/12 I guess.
Well the original topic of my blog to see if Facebook was a must or a bust and honestly I'm not totally sure. I mean I completely HATE Facebook sometimes but other times its really helpful. For instance one of my friends engagements just fell through and I, along with everyone else, found out on Facebook. I think people's main problem with Facebook is that there's a lot of drama so basically the solution to every problem...stop doing it. Lets all follow gunthars rule shall we? "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." It's really as simple as that, I promise.
So in the end, I think it remains a tie, Facebook and no Facebook, is the same

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

breakups and makeups

DRAMA!!! Holy cow! Okay, so I was scrolling down my News Feed when all of the sudden I came upon this post that said "I'd rather be happy and single than be with and miserable." My first thought was that it was from a song or something but I clicked on the wasn't from a song. I read 60 comments of the purest form of a facebook fight. It was horrible.
Back Story: This guy that I graduated from High School with has been dating this girl that's 2 years younger than him off and on for a while and rumors have been going around that she cheated on him and that she constantly lies to him. Well while all of her friends are commenting for him to take it off of facebook he's throwing her down and cant keep his story straight of whether or not she actually cheated. And then guys were commenting saying "bro this isn't right, take it off of facebook." OH. MY. LANTA. he flipped out when they said that. He was telling the guys to come and talk to him and that he has something to say and to stop hiding behind the keyboard and so on. To which the guy who said to take it off of facebook, his ex-girlfriend commented telling the main guy that he cant because he doesn't live there anymore and that he is being stupid. Needless to say there was a TON of drama and nothing got was a pointless fight but a lot of fun to read. I don't have a tv in my apartment because im poor as junk so facebook fights are like soap operas...I got my fill for the next 3 years with this fight...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Snow and awkward moments

Social Media is great for one thing...and one thing only. For all of your friends to tell you what is going on in their day. Today for example I found out it was snowing before I even got a chance to look outside because Facebook was blowing up with "OMG snow!" "burrrr its cold outside" "let it snow! let it snow! let it snow!" Therefore I knew to dress for the cold weather before anything. Facebook is like a really distorted news channel, it tells you when its snowing, rainy, to hot, to cold, the end of the semester, Christmas time, Thanksgiving, Pearl Harbor, and black Friday just to name a few. Its nice to know everything but it can also get really awkward. Like this weekend for instance... One of my friends on Facebook was talking about the great night she had with her boyfriend and how great he is in So this girl posted that just thinking that her 300 friends would read it, but a screenshot was taken, sent to friends, who then sent it to their friends, who sent it to Failbook, and now it is being blogged about...I don't think it gets worse than that. And studies have shown that anything put up on the internet isn't just there for a few weeks or a few months...its up there for AT LEAST 10 years...AT LEAST. So I wouldn't put anything up there that's to naughty...

Thursday, December 6, 2012


These pictures are from a hilariously funny website called failbook. Unfortunately we've all had these kind of Facebook fights show up on our newsfeed but we wouldn't dare blog about them because well that's tacky. So here are a few that I don't have to be tacky to blog about because they aren't on my its different right?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Did you really just say that?

We've all gotten them. The texts that instantly boil our blood and make our fingers fly across the key board. I got one of these texts a few days many things I could have said, ended up saying nothing.
Here's the thing- why are texts like this sent? It is faster to pick up the phone and speak your mind than it is to text it. So when then are we still text fighting? Does it make you feel better because you don't have to hear their reaction? You can just read it and then decided if you don't want to respond. STOP DOING THIS!!!! It bugs the crap out of everyone.
I am an avid texter, I do not have anything against a "hey what's up" text or "hey what are you doing tonight" those texts are great and it's GREAT to be able to communicate really fast, everywhere, because no one else can hear you while you're texting your best friend "wow, this class is stupid." But lets ban together and stop sending this "wow, thanks for screwing me over and being a total b*tch."
Lets not text fight....your key board isn't a battle ground for world war 3, so don't treat it like one.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


With the Christmas season upon us my Facebook news feed has been FLOODED with pins on how to properly decorate your home to show the Christmas cheer!! Lights, trees, how to properly cut out snow flakes....don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE Pinterest but Christmas happens everywhere, on the same day, at the same's always the same. So do we really need 100 pins on how to decorate a tree? But then again maybe by me not pinning on how to put lights on a free or cut out a snow flake means that my Christmas will be really lame. So I guess we'll see.
Also on Pinterest, sister missionaries- how to do the future elders survive without a Pinterest?? Christmas, fashion, and all of my friends weddings. Of all my friends if they aren't going on a mission then they are getting married or having babies. What ever happened to playing with Barbie dolls, mom calling us to dinner and primary, can we go back to those days? Growing up is scary but hey at least we have Pinterest to help us grow up. As much as Pinterest is governing our lives- how we dress, what we make and what we eat- how would I live without it?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

politics and problems

HOLY COW!!!! So the election was two days....I have never seen more posts within 5 minutes in my life! Only reason is because while the president was announced for the nation, some referendums were announced for certain states. Being from Washington we are one of the few states that legalized weed and gay marriage. While neither seriously affect me because I am neither gay nor do I smoke my friends on FaceBook were going WILD!!! It was seriously a feeding many pictures of bongs saying "legal now mother f***er!!! I can do whatever the hell I want now!!!" umm yeah....good luck with that....I mean am I the only who has seen movies like batman? You can't do whatever you want....there are consequences. Same sex marriage does not affect me at all, its not like gay people are like high people, they don't kill you while they are practicing. So I mean really, lets all be kind; however, with that being said, since my closet connection to a gay person is my best friend Josh I don't feel like I can really comment on it.
On Tuesdays I saw so many of "well four more years of hell" "let the unfriending begin" "Mormons are idiots are must be pissed haha f*** them!"
A post of FaceBook is yours, people like to treat it like a journal even though it isn't. But nevertheless anyone has the right to put whatever they want on facebook. But seriously you are going to trash Mormons? One of my friends who is also a member commented on that post and said "umm how about republicans are mad, not Mormons. The church does get involved with politics. Kthanks." And people went off on her! Saying that "obviously they don't know how to take a joke" "pull your head out of your a**" "wow, what a little b****" wow. that is all I have to say. wow. This goes along with my last post, just because no one can actually see you behind the keyboard does not mean that 1, they don't know its you and 2, it hurts less. Lets not cyber bully? Its obviously rude and the person who is doing it looks like an idiot, its not like it makes you look just look like an ass.