Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Did you really just say that?

We've all gotten them. The texts that instantly boil our blood and make our fingers fly across the key board. I got one of these texts a few days many things I could have said, ended up saying nothing.
Here's the thing- why are texts like this sent? It is faster to pick up the phone and speak your mind than it is to text it. So when then are we still text fighting? Does it make you feel better because you don't have to hear their reaction? You can just read it and then decided if you don't want to respond. STOP DOING THIS!!!! It bugs the crap out of everyone.
I am an avid texter, I do not have anything against a "hey what's up" text or "hey what are you doing tonight" those texts are great and it's GREAT to be able to communicate really fast, everywhere, because no one else can hear you while you're texting your best friend "wow, this class is stupid." But lets ban together and stop sending this "wow, thanks for screwing me over and being a total b*tch."
Lets not text fight....your key board isn't a battle ground for world war 3, so don't treat it like one.

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