Thursday, November 8, 2012

politics and problems

HOLY COW!!!! So the election was two days....I have never seen more posts within 5 minutes in my life! Only reason is because while the president was announced for the nation, some referendums were announced for certain states. Being from Washington we are one of the few states that legalized weed and gay marriage. While neither seriously affect me because I am neither gay nor do I smoke my friends on FaceBook were going WILD!!! It was seriously a feeding many pictures of bongs saying "legal now mother f***er!!! I can do whatever the hell I want now!!!" umm yeah....good luck with that....I mean am I the only who has seen movies like batman? You can't do whatever you want....there are consequences. Same sex marriage does not affect me at all, its not like gay people are like high people, they don't kill you while they are practicing. So I mean really, lets all be kind; however, with that being said, since my closet connection to a gay person is my best friend Josh I don't feel like I can really comment on it.
On Tuesdays I saw so many of "well four more years of hell" "let the unfriending begin" "Mormons are idiots are must be pissed haha f*** them!"
A post of FaceBook is yours, people like to treat it like a journal even though it isn't. But nevertheless anyone has the right to put whatever they want on facebook. But seriously you are going to trash Mormons? One of my friends who is also a member commented on that post and said "umm how about republicans are mad, not Mormons. The church does get involved with politics. Kthanks." And people went off on her! Saying that "obviously they don't know how to take a joke" "pull your head out of your a**" "wow, what a little b****" wow. that is all I have to say. wow. This goes along with my last post, just because no one can actually see you behind the keyboard does not mean that 1, they don't know its you and 2, it hurts less. Lets not cyber bully? Its obviously rude and the person who is doing it looks like an idiot, its not like it makes you look just look like an ass.

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