Monday, December 10, 2012

Snow and awkward moments

Social Media is great for one thing...and one thing only. For all of your friends to tell you what is going on in their day. Today for example I found out it was snowing before I even got a chance to look outside because Facebook was blowing up with "OMG snow!" "burrrr its cold outside" "let it snow! let it snow! let it snow!" Therefore I knew to dress for the cold weather before anything. Facebook is like a really distorted news channel, it tells you when its snowing, rainy, to hot, to cold, the end of the semester, Christmas time, Thanksgiving, Pearl Harbor, and black Friday just to name a few. Its nice to know everything but it can also get really awkward. Like this weekend for instance... One of my friends on Facebook was talking about the great night she had with her boyfriend and how great he is in So this girl posted that just thinking that her 300 friends would read it, but a screenshot was taken, sent to friends, who then sent it to their friends, who sent it to Failbook, and now it is being blogged about...I don't think it gets worse than that. And studies have shown that anything put up on the internet isn't just there for a few weeks or a few months...its up there for AT LEAST 10 years...AT LEAST. So I wouldn't put anything up there that's to naughty...

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