Facebook Posts "thanks for all the birthday wishes, I had a great day with all my friends!"
Tweets "brushing teeth" "teeth brushed" "driving to friends house" "at friends house"
You could easily stock someone with their tweets.
OH and I know that with the younger generations turning to technology a lot of people may have forgotten....but there is this WONDERFUL thing called...drum roll please!! A JOURNAL!!! A journal is where you put things such as "oh my heck, I freakin hate Becky! she is such a UGH I don't even know how to describe it! I just hate her! but oh my lanta Joe looked at me today! he is soooooo dreamy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I could spend the rest of my life with him! Other than that today was alright. Chem sucks but I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I get to miss it! heck to the yeah. huh, well I think that's good for tonight! goodnight <3 "
see the difference?
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