With the Christmas season upon us my Facebook news feed has been FLOODED with pins on how to properly decorate your home to show the Christmas cheer!! Lights, trees, how to properly cut out snow flakes....don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE Pinterest but Christmas happens everywhere, on the same day, at the same time...it's always the same. So do we really need 100 pins on how to decorate a tree? But then again maybe by me not pinning on how to put lights on a free or cut out a snow flake means that my Christmas will be really lame. So I guess we'll see.
Also on Pinterest, sister missionaries- how to do the future elders survive without a Pinterest?? Christmas, fashion, and all of my friends weddings. Of all my friends if they aren't going on a mission then they are getting married or having babies. What ever happened to playing with Barbie dolls, mom calling us to dinner and primary, can we go back to those days? Growing up is scary but hey at least we have Pinterest to help us grow up. As much as Pinterest is governing our lives- how we dress, what we make and what we eat- how would I live without it?
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
politics and problems
HOLY COW!!!! So the election was two days....I have never seen more posts within 5 minutes in my life! Only reason is because while the president was announced for the nation, some referendums were announced for certain states. Being from Washington we are one of the few states that legalized weed and gay marriage. While neither seriously affect me because I am neither gay nor do I smoke my friends on FaceBook were going WILD!!! It was seriously a feeding zone...so many pictures of bongs saying "legal now mother f***er!!! I can do whatever the hell I want now!!!" umm yeah....good luck with that....I mean am I the only who has seen movies like batman? You can't do whatever you want....there are consequences. Same sex marriage does not affect me at all, its not like gay people are like high people, they don't kill you while they are practicing. So I mean really, lets all be kind; however, with that being said, since my closet connection to a gay person is my best friend Josh I don't feel like I can really comment on it.
On Tuesdays I saw so many of "well four more years of hell" "let the unfriending begin" "Mormons are idiots are must be pissed haha f*** them!"
A post of FaceBook is yours, people like to treat it like a journal even though it isn't. But nevertheless anyone has the right to put whatever they want on facebook. But seriously you are going to trash Mormons? One of my friends who is also a member commented on that post and said "umm how about republicans are mad, not Mormons. The church does get involved with politics. Kthanks." And people went off on her! Saying that "obviously they don't know how to take a joke" "pull your head out of your a**" "wow, what a little b****" wow. that is all I have to say. wow. This goes along with my last post, just because no one can actually see you behind the keyboard does not mean that 1, they don't know its you and 2, it hurts less. Lets not cyber bully? Its obviously rude and the person who is doing it looks like an idiot, its not like it makes you look cool....you just look like an ass.
On Tuesdays I saw so many of "well four more years of hell" "let the unfriending begin" "Mormons are idiots are must be pissed haha f*** them!"
A post of FaceBook is yours, people like to treat it like a journal even though it isn't. But nevertheless anyone has the right to put whatever they want on facebook. But seriously you are going to trash Mormons? One of my friends who is also a member commented on that post and said "umm how about republicans are mad, not Mormons. The church does get involved with politics. Kthanks." And people went off on her! Saying that "obviously they don't know how to take a joke" "pull your head out of your a**" "wow, what a little b****" wow. that is all I have to say. wow. This goes along with my last post, just because no one can actually see you behind the keyboard does not mean that 1, they don't know its you and 2, it hurts less. Lets not cyber bully? Its obviously rude and the person who is doing it looks like an idiot, its not like it makes you look cool....you just look like an ass.
Monday, November 5, 2012
What the professionals have to say
This is a link to a video put out by CINEWSNOW. It talks about why people are willing to type things that they would NEVER say in person. For example if you were to go on a girls Facebook where she has a revealing picture, the guys are going to say "sexy!" "so hot" and some of the girls are going to say "oh my gosh! I freaking love you! you look amazing!" while all the other girls just say "wow" or "slut..." Most of the guys that commented are in a relationship and would never ever say this to the girl but they will post it? Does that make sense? I understand that behind a keyboard that no one can see you, but here is the thing about posting, blogging, sending, emailing, texting... it is out there for at least ten years. People usually forget what you say but they will never forget what you wrote. So be careful! THINK!
This is a link to a video put out by CINEWSNOW. It talks about why people are willing to type things that they would NEVER say in person. For example if you were to go on a girls Facebook where she has a revealing picture, the guys are going to say "sexy!" "so hot" and some of the girls are going to say "oh my gosh! I freaking love you! you look amazing!" while all the other girls just say "wow" or "slut..." Most of the guys that commented are in a relationship and would never ever say this to the girl but they will post it? Does that make sense? I understand that behind a keyboard that no one can see you, but here is the thing about posting, blogging, sending, emailing, texting... it is out there for at least ten years. People usually forget what you say but they will never forget what you wrote. So be careful! THINK!
Friday, November 2, 2012
So as I was scrolling through my news feed today I came upon this lovely little post (I changed the names to spare them further embarrassment " STUPID BETH SAYS I HATE HER NOW I DO BETH IF UR READING THIS U R THE MOST HORRIBLE FRIEND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Okay here's the thing about that, one I had to spell a lot of the words correctly, and this kind of thing is unacceptable. It is posts like this that make the older generations think that we only communicate over Facebook and that we can not have a conversation face to face. I heard a horror story a few weeks ago about this guy who asked this girl out on a date but was to scared to talk to her so he just texted her the whole time....texted her. WOW.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
No Shave November?
So with no shave November I have a lot of friends that have decided to let themselves be "free" and not shave... So I posted today ( first time in a while) "Happy please shave November! And remember, not all hair is created equal." This one girl that I am Facebook friends with, we used to be friends but then she got married...and now we are way different got offended and commented "DISLIKE!!!!!! I won't be shaving!" ugh. we all know that, you posted that earlier. Here is the thing with Facebook right now, it has become twitter. Like seriously? Did you seriously just make a post about how you will not be shaving for a month?
Facebook Posts "thanks for all the birthday wishes, I had a great day with all my friends!"
Tweets "brushing teeth" "teeth brushed" "driving to friends house" "at friends house"
You could easily stock someone with their tweets.
OH and I know that with the younger generations turning to technology a lot of people may have forgotten....but there is this WONDERFUL thing called...drum roll please!! A JOURNAL!!! A journal is where you put things such as "oh my heck, I freakin hate Becky! she is such a UGH I don't even know how to describe it! I just hate her! but oh my lanta Joe looked at me today! he is soooooo dreamy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I could spend the rest of my life with him! Other than that today was alright. Chem sucks but I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I get to miss it! heck to the yeah. huh, well I think that's good for tonight! goodnight <3 "
see the difference?
Facebook Posts "thanks for all the birthday wishes, I had a great day with all my friends!"
Tweets "brushing teeth" "teeth brushed" "driving to friends house" "at friends house"
You could easily stock someone with their tweets.
OH and I know that with the younger generations turning to technology a lot of people may have forgotten....but there is this WONDERFUL thing called...drum roll please!! A JOURNAL!!! A journal is where you put things such as "oh my heck, I freakin hate Becky! she is such a UGH I don't even know how to describe it! I just hate her! but oh my lanta Joe looked at me today! he is soooooo dreamy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I could spend the rest of my life with him! Other than that today was alright. Chem sucks but I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I get to miss it! heck to the yeah. huh, well I think that's good for tonight! goodnight <3 "
see the difference?
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