Saturday, October 20, 2012

somebody pay attention to me!

How do you get someone’s attention? In person you can yell out their name or tap their shoulder, you can call someone on the phone until they answer, leave voicemails, and send multiple texts. But how do you get someone’s attention on Facebook? You can "poke" them but chances are they won’t see that, I don't look at mine, you could message them but that also isn't super effective. The most effective, and slightly annoying way, is the like a whole bunch of things. My best friend Kenny was trying to get my attention yesterday because my phone had died, so I wasn’t texting him back and since he lives in Washington popping over to say hi is not an instead he liked everything he could without being super creepy...I hadn’t check my Facebook in 15 hours and I had 48 notifications. You have my attention haha

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