Wednesday, October 17, 2012

finding out through facebook

So when I went completely off Facebook I didn’t check it, or post....nothing! Well now I’m back on, but not really posting because it’s kind of useless. ...that all changed yesterday- I’ll tell the dreadful story! So yesterday I drove up to Salt Lake City because my best friend from high school was having a hard time, it’s roughly 50 miles to my friend’s house but it’s fine because it’s a straight shot from my house to hers going down I-15. I get to her house and am literally only in the house for 5 minutes before her aunt comes running in and says "whose red car is that??" "Oh, that’s mine. Sorry I'll move it." "YOUR ENGINE JUST EXPLODED!" .....silence on my end as running out to the driveway to look at my car. It seriously blew....there was steam; it looked like smoke from my engine catching fire, and fluid EVERYWHERE! Coolant, water...everything but oil. So I freak out and call my mom, figure out exactly what I need to do and then get it done in a stressed out I didn’t plan on this manner. But I end up getting it towed off and into the shop. The purpose of this long story is that no one would have known about it except for my mom, dad, best friend, and her aunt. But instead ALL of my friends on Facebook knew and were suddenly super concerned because my friend put up a picture of my car. Facebook seems to unify our generation but now I don’t know my view on it. I still enjoy being on Facebook and being able to check up on all my friends...but that’s just it, checking up on. I can see everything my friends are doing or have been doing by just scrolling down my news feed. So right now I think it’s,
it’s a tie.

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